Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Class Project - Copper Leaves

Last weekend I took a metalworking class where we learned several techniques for working with copper. Our class project was to create copper leaves. We learned how to bend, texture, cut, form, soften, and harden the metal. Many of the techniques I already knew, but it was fun to spend time with other jewelry enthusiasts and learn new tips and tricks from the other students and teacher.

Here are the leaves I created in class while practicing the techniques:

After class, I was in such a jewelry making mood, I came home and made this cuff bracelet
(soon to be in my shop as soon as it's finished)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I made the Etsy Front Page!

I just happened to check Sunday afternoon and discovered I was featured on the front page of Etsy!! I'm beyond excited!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

And the Winner Is...

Thank you to all who participated in my
Etsyversary Hide & Seek Contest

I put all the entries in a bowl, shook 'em up and let my 3 yr old draw the winner.
Congrats to:

Yamarilet P. from Kenner, LA

Yamarilet will be receiving a pair of sterling silver fluer de lis earrings!


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